




Providing chemical products, especially PVC heat stabilizers, which are of high quality, in accordance with international standards, and meet customer satisfaction.
Increasing production capacity and quality, as well as developing distribution networks, to expand markets and increase market share.
Carrying out continuous research and development to create new products that are more effective, efficient and environmentally friendly, and in accordance with industrial developments and customer needs.



We are committed to providing products that are of high quality, comply with international standards, and meet customer satisfaction.



We strive to continue to innovate and create new products that are more effective, efficient and environmentally friendly, using the latest technology and knowledge.



We uphold integrity in every aspect of our business, such as honesty, openness and responsibility.



We value harmonious and synergistic cooperation with all parties related to our business, such as customers, suppliers, employees and the community

our story

PT Karya Chemical Indonesia is a company engaged in the production and distribution of chemicals, especially PVC heat stabilizers. We were founded in 2023 in Jakarta, with the vision of becoming a leading, trusted and contributing company to the chemical industry in Indonesia.

Our History
We started our business as a small-scale chemical trading company in Surabaya, under the name PT Karya Trading. We provide a variety of basic chemicals, such as acids, bases, salts and solvents, for various industries, such as textiles, paper, food and pharmaceuticals.

Along with the development of the chemical industry in Indonesia, we see opportunities to produce special chemicals that have added value and are in high demand, namely PVC heat stabilizers. PVC heat stabilizer is a type of chemical used to protect PVC from the effects of heat. PVC heat stabilizer works by absorbing and storing energy from the sun and then releasing it slowly over a certain period of time. This helps keep the PVC cool in hot weather.

PVC heat stabilizer has many applications, such as pipes, profiles, cables, sheets, and shoes. PVC heat stabilizer can also improve the quality and durability of the final PVC product, as well as save production costs.

In 2023, we changed our company name to PT Karya Chemical Indonesia, and built our first PVC heat stabilizer factory in Jakarta. We use advanced technology and machines, as well as quality raw materials, to produce PVC heat stabilizers that comply with international standards. We also have a research and development team that continues to innovate to create new products that are more effective, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Our product
We have various types of PVC heat stabilizers that can meet the needs and specifications of our customers, such as:

KC-STAB K-280: Lead-based PVC heat stabilizer with good lubricant, specifically developed for medium and high speed extrusion of rigid pipes and profiles.
KC-STAB K-290: Calcium-based PVC heat stabilizer with good lubricant, specifically developed for low and medium speed extrusion of rigid pipes and profiles.
KC-STAB K-300: PVC alloy based heat stabilizer with good lubricant, specially developed for high speed extrusion of flexible pipes and profiles.
KC-STAB K-310: Organotin based PVC heat stabilizer with good lubricant, specially developed for high speed extrusion of cables and shoes.
Apart from PVC heat stabilizer, we also provide other chemicals related to the PVC industry, such as:

KC-PLAST K-320: Phthalate-based plasticizer used to increase the flexibility and softness of PVC.
KC-LUBE K-330: External lubricant used to reduce friction and increase PVC plasticizing flow.
KC-STAB K-340: Light stabilizer used to protect PVC from the effects of UV rays.
Rate Us
We have values that are the foundation and guidelines for running our business, namely:

Quality: We are committed to providing products that are of high quality, comply with international standards, and meet customer satisfaction.
Innovation: We strive to continue to innovate and create new products that are more effective, efficient and environmentally friendly, using the latest technology and knowledge.
Integrity: We uphold integrity in every aspect of our business, such as honesty, openness and responsibility.
Cooperation: We value harmonious and synergistic cooperation with all parties related to our business, such as customers, suppliers, employees and the community.
Our Vision and Mission
Our vision is to become a leading, trusted and contributing company to the chemical industry in Indonesia.

Our mission is:

Providing chemical products, especially PVC heat stabilizers, which are of high quality, in accordance with international standards, and meet customer satisfaction.
Increasing production capacity and quality, as well as developing distribution networks, to expand markets and increase market share.
Carrying out continuous research and development to create new products that are more effective, efficient and environmentally friendly, and in accordance with industrial developments and customer needs.
Improving employee welfare and competence, as well as creating a conducive and safe work environment.
Establish good and mutually beneficial relationships with all parties related to our business, such as customers, suppliers, employees and the community.
Upholding ethical, moral and legal values in every aspect of our business.
Participate in social and environmental activities that benefit the community and the surrounding environment.
Contact us
If you are interested in our products, or have questions, suggestions or criticism, please contact us via:

Address: Jalan Raya Kosambi – Curug Number 12, Jakarta, Indonesia
Telephone: +62 21 12345678
Email: info@karyachemical.co.id
Website: www.karyachemical.co.id
We will be happy to serve you with professional, fast and friendly service. 😊

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